A woman who understands her human design improves her self-worth, looking at herself in the mirror, she is smiling because she is happy and truly loves herself

Elevating Your Self-Worth with Human Design

Understanding your unique Human Design can help you boost your self-worth. It offers a map that guides you in living in a manner that is in sync with who you are underneath conditioning.

When you live in alignment with your true nature, you begin to experience a level of comfort and acceptance for who you are, instead of chasing who you are not. You are tapping into your life force.

The Human Design system is not built on belief or faith but is a logical system that brings together principles of the I Ching, Astrology, Kabbalah, Chakra system and Quantum Physics.

It offers profound insights into your psyche and tells you powerful information about the best ways to manifest, communicate, achieve deeper self-awareness and connect with others. It tells you how to best work, rest and play for your unique being.

Human Design – what are the basic concepts?

On the most practical level, your Human Design chart (also known as your body graph) shows you where and how to access your body’s consciousness as a decision-making tool and ultimately teaches you how to live as your true self.

Human Design offers a map, or a manual, that indicates how you are unique as a person and guides you in living in a manner that is in sync with who you are underneath conditioning. When you live in alignment with your true nature, you begin to experience a level of comfort and acceptance for who you are, instead of chasing who you are not. You are tapping into your life force and allowing yourself to elevate your self-worth.

What I love about Human Design is that it is not about fixing our faults or insecurities, it’s about adapting to our unique energy and embracing ourselves for who we are; we’re able to discover and live out our real purpose in the world, raising our self-worth in the process.

You can find your Human Design Chart, also called a BodyGraph, by inputting your birth date, time and place to reveal your genetic design.

You will discover many parts of your personality, including parts that you may have been shamed for, or even shamed yourself for, and see them in a new light. It shows us why we are unique and how to fully recognise and embrace our many gifts.

purple image showing a silhouette of a body with light around it representing the energy centers
What is Human Design?

Meet Ra Uru Hu – The Founder of Human Design

Ra Uru Hu, the founder of Human Design, was a man with a remarkable vision. He dedicated his life to unravelling the mysteries of our existence and providing us with a profound understanding of ourselves. Through his teachings, he offered a transformative perspective on what it means to be human.

Born Robert Allan Krakower in 1948, Ra Uru Hu had a mystical encounter in 1987 that completely changed the course of his life. During this encounter, he received a download of information that would eventually become the foundation of Human Design. This revelation propelled him on a lifelong mission to share this revolutionary knowledge with the world and guide individuals towards living their true purpose.

Ra Uru Hu believed that each individual is born with a unique energetic blueprint, like a cosmic fingerprint, that determines their strengths, weaknesses, and potential in this lifetime.

Ra Uru Hu the Founder and creator of Human Design
Ra Uru Hu

The Five Types in Human Design

There are five different types in Human Design – Manifestors, Generators, Projectors, Reflectors & Manifesting Generators.

Pie chart showing the five human design types as a percentage of the worlds population
The world’s population as their Human Design types


Manifestors CREATE energy. They are innovators and can initiate action and inspire others, whether they do so intentionally or not! Their electric energy can be felt when they speak or enter a room.

Manifesting energy in Human Design means that they can bring into fruition anything that they envision because they don’t need to wait for collaboration from the Universe or others in order to act.

It’s impulsive energy, as they have a direct connection to Divine Inspiration. A big part of living correctly as a manifestor is initiating action in the world and starting things that are often left to others to continue and complete.

Common challenge

They have a selective aura and will attract the people who are right for them and repel those who aren’t. Although this is the natural to and fro of the Universe in motion, it can feel like rejection, and so they may spend their lives attempting to please other people.

However, this is not the correct use of their energy and true power; they are here to break free from rules and regulations, so attempting to people please holds many of them back from embracing their full potential.

They have an open sacral center which means that need to be careful not to ‘overdo it’. They can find it difficult to know when ‘enough is enough’. It’s important to ride the wave of energy and inspiration (known as an urge) when it’s there and rest when it’s not.

They should create a life that has elements of a holiday rather than working hard and then taking a holiday.

Manifestors Dislikes

  • Not having control
  • People who have a lack of desire/care for good work
  • Getting bossed around
  • Being told what to do
two hands open with a ball of light in the middle representing manifestors in human design
Manifestors create energy.


Generators SPREAD and SHARE energy. They are energetic and pure life force in motion. They are destined to build, always eager to respond to problems and challenges that life will inevitably throw their way.

When they are aligned, in flow, and doing what makes their soul shine, they are captivating. They are also the natural go-getters of society.

Common challenge

They have to listen to their gut and honor their desires, rather than saying yes to things they feel they ‘should’ do or are capable of doing with their energy. Although they have a consistent energy source based in their sacral, meaning burnout is rare, other people will want to use their energy for their benefit.

As they need to be engaged and passionate about what they are doing, if they do not follow their gut they may experience frustration and burnout – unless they feel something is a YES, then it’s an absolute no!


  • People who use their energy
  • Getting interrupted
  • People who ask for their help all the time
A silhouette of a human body with other angel like creatures flying around him
Generators spread and share energy.


Projectors GUIDE and TWEAK energy, acting as guides for their tribe. They have a unique depth to their spirit and an ability to see things the way others can’t. Whether that’s understanding others, building systems, or innovating new ways of doing things, every projector has a unique gift.

This energy type is referred to as a “non-energy” being; they do not have a defined sacral center and are designed to borrow the energy of those around them. However, they should only do this for short bursts of time before stopping to take a break— alone.

Common challenge

Projectors have inconsistent energy, meaning their energy must be used wisely in order to live in alignment. They may feel downhearted over the fact that they can’t just initiate and ‘make things happen’. But this is not a good use of their energy as that is not what they are here to do.

They must learn to trust the flow of life instead of trying to keep up with the world. When they learn that by doing less they have more impact, they will experience freedom. They need more rest than the other types and this can be hard to embody. When they discover their unique gift, hone their special ability and share it with the world, others can’t help but notice.

They are potent AF when they are invited to share. When they try and push their ideas or points of view upon someone who has explicitly asked for it, tension often ensues.

Projector hack: ask others for the invitation, for example: “Would it be OK if I shared my thoughts on this?”


  • Working unsociable hours
  • Their advice not being taken onboard
  • Being at a bar or social scene in the late hours.
A man's hand infront of a distant view of a mountain holding a compass pointing east
Projectors act as guides for their tribe.


Reflectors REVEAL and MIRROR energy. They are the rarest of all the Human Design types, with less than 1% of the world’s population falling into this category.

They are mirrors of society. As they are very attuned to the environment they find themselves in, this gives them great potential for wisdom. They are also in tune with the energy of others, so they must surround themselves with people who feel good. It is common for a reflector to feel like a shapeshifter, almost becoming the people they are around.

It’s helpful for them to take a generous amount of time when making a decision, as clarity on what the right choices are can come after a whole lunar cycle.

Common challenge

Energetically, they are like a blank canvas with very little of their own defined energy. Living in a world where there’s so much pressure to know who you are can be confusing for reflectors.

Understanding that they are so unique and function differently from 99% of the world and that that is truly special, is the best place to start for a reflector.


  • Negative thinking people
  • People crossing their boundaries
a woman in a white shirt holding a mirror infront of her chest reflecting the sky
Reflectors mirror and reveal energy.

Manifesting Generators

Manifesting Generators MAGNIFY energy. They are a hybrid of a Generator + Manifestor – they can trailblaze like a manifestor and leap into action like a generator.

They have energy and ideas in abundance and are always open to new experiences. Doing what lights them up inside acts as a fountain for this energy.

They move incredibly fast, often skipping steps and doing in an hour what takes others a whole day. They need to remember this and not expect others to complete things as quickly as they can.

Since they don’t linearly move through life, they can appear like scattered behaviour to the other types but makes complete sense to them. As multi-passionate beings, they take what they need from an interest or hobby and, when they aren’t lit up by it anymore, move onto something else that feels exciting. They blend systems and recreate things, breaking out of the box.

Common challenge

They can often feel torn between their desire to act on their impulses and waiting for their gut feeling to kick in (the YES or the hell NO), feeling wrong because they don’t ‘stick to one thing’ or are a jack of all trades, feeling slowed down by others.

They must reserve the right to change their mind as they go, and to communicate with their loved ones to honour this part of them too. MGs tend to ‘move’ quicker than generators but they’ll alter their course more often as well.


  • Sitting around ‘wasting’ the day
  • People who suck the atmosphere out of a room
  • Standing in line
  • Being told how to do something
the silhouette of a woman infront of the night sky with her hand stretched holding a star
Manifesting Generators magnify energy.

Inner Authority

In Human Design your inner authority involves your decision-making strategy – it is your inner knowing. While your mind may be intelligent, this doesn’t mean that it knows what is right for you. The mind works with what it believes is rational and logical.

The problem is that what your mind deems as rational and logical is based on your conditioning and life experiences. So, it can second guess your true authority and will make decisions to serve its agenda, limiting your personal growth.

This is because of your subconscious programming. Your subconscious kicks in when your conscious mind is engaged – including when you are thinking, problem-solving, analysing and reacting. The role of the subconscious is to keep you safe. If you are doing something that seems frightening, even though it might be what is right for you, your subconscious will sabotage your efforts.

For example, your subconscious doesn’t believe that you are capable of great things.

The ‘rational’ stems from your life experiences and personal traumas. Maybe you started a business and it didn’t go to plan, which negatively affected your self-worth as a result. When you are doing something the subconscious deems as risky, such as starting a new business, your actions and behaviours may be sabotaged because your rational thinking mind is trying to protect you from getting hurt.

The 7 authority types:

  • Emotional (Solar Plexus) – listen to your emotions, and ride the emotional wave.
  • Sacral – listen to your gut.
  • Splenic – listen to your instincts, intuition and clear knowing.
  • Environment/No Inner Authority – let life give you the answers.
  • Self-Projected – listen to what you say.
  • Lunar Cycle – wait for a whole moon cycle to make a (big) decision.
  • Ego – listen to your wants (ego authority is the rarest of all the authority types).

When you work from your inner authority, you are bypassing your rational thinking mind and leaning into your true self. So, it is the only way you can consistently make decisions based on what is right for you.

A woman standing triumphant infront of a sunset with a shadow of herself meditating behind her
Your inner authority guides your decision-making.

The Self Themes/Not-Self Themes

Your not-self theme are the feelings that arise when you are living out of alignment with your design. When you are living in alignment, emotions will arise in you in line with your self-theme. This is how you can truly identify whether or not you are on the correct path. Your self/not-self theme depends on your Human Design type, they are:

  • Generator— Frustration VS Satisfaction
  • Manifesting Generator — Frustration VS Satisfaction
  • Projector— Bitterness VS Satisfaction
  • Manifestor — Anger VS Peace
  • Reflector — Disappointment VS Surprise & Delight
a woman with her head in her hands as she is not in alignment with her human design and is feeling her not-self theme frustration
When you are not in alignment with your unique human design.

Defined Centers VS Undefined Centers

Once you understand your centers, you will gain clarity on who you are, and where you face the deepest resistance and suffering.

Your defined centers represent consistency, they show you who you are at your very core.

Your undefined centers, once you learn how to honor them, show you where your energy is inconsistent and allow you space to learn. They can bring you insight when you are trusting your Life Force and Inner Authority.

For example, your root may have a consistent energy present (defined) or not (undefined). If your root is defined, you have a particular way of dealing with stress in line with your unique genetic imprinting. If it is undefined, then your way of dealing with stress is flexible, and you may rush to get rid of pressure, which in turn exacerbates it.

I want to stress that, in Human Design, there is no good or bad – we are all unique human beings, and each design is perfect once we learn how to honor it.

The 9 energy centers

  • Head – inspiration, thinking and mental pressure.
  • Ajna– research, thought processing and analysis.
  • Throat– communication and manifestation (action).
  • G Center– identity, direction of life and love (center of the spiritual heart in the middle of the chest).
  • Heart/Ego – ego and willpower, self-worth/self-esteem and survival in the material world.
  • Sacral – vitality, sexuality and persistence.
  • Root – physical pressure (adrenalin), drive to do things and kundalini energy.
  • Spleen – intuition, instinct, survival and well-being.
  • Solar Plexus – emotions and moods.

Our undefined centers are areas where we have the potential to de-condition, reprogram and step into wisdom. At first, they appear to be challenges. However, once we can integrate the learnings, we begin to see the gifts that our open centers offer.

image of the sacral centers, also known as energy centers, of someones human design chart
The 9 energy centers in a body graph

What can I learn about myself from my Human Design chart?

Lean into your intuition

Human Design can tell you how to lean into your intuition, how it best communicates with you and how you can use it to navigate your path. For example: a projector will receive intuition as ‘clear knowings’ whereas a manifestor will feel it as an ‘urge’.

a road sign with ahead pointing to logic and right pointing to intuition
Learn how to trust your intuition.

Honour your true self

Human Design can show you whether or not you are in alignment with your unique path, helping you to consistently honour your true self.

For example: as a manifesting generator, if you feel frustrated and uninspired in certain areas of your life, let that thing go.

The more you honour your gut response and let go of what no longer lights you up, the more you honour your true self and life opens for you.

a woman holding her hands to her heart as she accepts her true self
Accepting yourself for who you are is the key to elevating your self-worth.

Accept yourself and integrate your shadow

Human Design can support you in elevating your self-worth as you accept your authentic self by shining a light on your shadow. Your shadow is any part of you that you have learned or been conditioned to believe is shameful.

For example: If you have an undefined G center, you have a constantly shifting and evolving identity. You may feel like wearing different clothes and leaning into different personality traits depending on the environment you are in and the people you are around. Undefined G’s are often shamed by others and themselves for ‘not knowing who they truly are’.

I have held so many undefined G’s through tears of relief when they learn that their chameleon-like tendencies are a gift to be embraced and their ability to mirror others allows for deep trust, connection and relationship-building tendencies.

a woman standing in front of her shadow self
Learn how to accept and integrate your shadow self.


Human Design also teaches you how to step into your full power of manifestation. Depending on your design, you will have either a specific or non-specific approach to manifestation.

If you are specific (bottom right arrow points left), you manifest best with clear intentions, manifestation lists and vision boards.

If you are non-specific (bottom right arrow points left), you manifest best when you are clear on the feelings and emotions present when the manifestation lands, letting go of needing to control the details, and trusting that you will be pleasantly surprised.

You will find further information on how best to manifest by following your type, strategy, and authority.

a woman meditating on a beach
Step into your full power of manifestation by integrating your human design.

How can understanding my Human Design empower my self-worth?

Human Design is empowering for self-worth as it allows us to learn new things about ourselves, accept our intricacies, shine a light on our shadow, see our hidden gifts and step into our full power of manifestation.

Simply, Human Design allows you to see yourself as the perfect, unique individual that you are – blessed with special gifts, superpowers, lessons and a unique path.

Human Design allows you to internally validate and accept yourself without the need for comparison.

This new, empowering self-knowledge and wisdom gained from understanding yourself on a newfound level is why understanding, embodying and living your Human Design will align you with your self-worth that you may have lost under many years of conditioning.

How can I discover my Human Design?

It’s important to look in the right places when reading into your Human Design and what your chart means. If you are new to human design, the chart itself can be confusing as it requires research to get accurate and empowering information.


There’s no doubt that the internet is a place full of knowledge. However, some of the information available to us on the internet is inaccurate, and outdated, and can often leave us with more questions than we began with.

Human Design is all about loving and accepting yourself as the unique, brilliant individual that you are. As the saying goes, ‘if it’s not empowering, then you are not looking in the right place‘!

That being said, getting your chart is easy and free! A great online resource for getting your body graph is My Body Graph.

To interpret your chart you can research, understand and embody the learnings on your own. Some Human Design types are great at this, for example, a single definition Manifesting Generator with a 1, investigator profile.

Alternatively, you can find someone you trust to do a reading and interpret your chart for you.

human design bodygraph
Find your unique human design chart.

Jovian Archive

The Jovian Archive is the world’s largest archive of Human Design knowledge and information. It contains a vast collection of materials, including books, articles, videos, and courses that cover all aspects of Human Design.

You will find the archive to be a valuable resource if you’re interested in learning more about Human Design or want to deepen your understanding of this system. Whether you are just starting your journey or have been studying Human Design for years, the Jovian Archive has something for everyone.

Human Design Reading

Interpreting your chart is complex and time-consuming. When beginning your Human Design journey, it’s worthwhile having a Human Design reading performed by a professional.

Not only will they help you interpret your Human Design, but they will teach you how to use your unique design to live a life of fulfilment, in line with your true self.

Whilst I do not offer readings on their own, I offer something that I believe is many times more valuable – a Human Design reprogramming session.

This baby is a Human Design reading on steroids. It taps into the power of PSYCH-K and Subconscious Reprogramming to create a state of super learning and easeful integration of wisdom.

Every session comes with both a PDF with your unique details and a recording of the reading, allowing you to go back and continue to take valuable lessons from our session as many times as you need.

There is a lot of powerful wisdom that you will learn, and the embodiment of your Human Design will take some time. This offering supports you to understand, integrate, and remember what you have learned, allowing you to use the wisdom in action.

My biggest takeaway from my Human Design Reprogramming session was that I am finally able to understand myself. Parts of myself that I previously saw as flaws or put pressure on myself for/felt negatively towards I now accept as part of me and I am learning to appreciate them.

Since learning about my Human Design, it has already effectively changed my life; I am now more accepting of myself. For example, my whole life I have felt like I had no identity as it was constantly changing, I held a lot of resentment towards myself for this as I felt like I never knew who I was and I put pressure on myself to figure it out. Now that I know I have an ‘open G centre’ and that my identity shifting is part of me, and that this is a good thing, I am learning to love this part of myself and realising that this is a gift, it has made me feel more confident and I am so happy to finally understand.
Book Your Session Today

Human Design Self-Worth Reprogramming Session.

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