Mindfulness is just the beginning…

Learning mindfulness skills is the first step to becoming aware of your conditioned thought and behaviour patterns. With awareness comes a new found level of control over your actions and with this you can begin to live a truly authentic, conscious life.

Becoming conscious, aware and awake

Learning the skills of mindfulness meditation can begin the process awareness of what was previously unconscious. With regular practice these skills allow you to notice the gap between thoughts, feelings, urges and behaviour.

You can notice what you are thinking, feeling and doing in any given moment. If  you are beginning to feel stressed, anxious or uncomfortable. You can do something about it, before the downward spiral begins.

You will begin to notice the birds singing, the wind against your skin and the sun shining on your face. You consciously choose to smile at the inextricable link you have with life that is all around us. That is us.

Noticing conditioned thought patterns that influence behaviour

You will notice the voice of your ego, and when it begins to judge, compare, criticise and analyse.

You will notice your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes, and how they shape your behaviour.

You might even notice that some of your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes are no longer aligned with your values. They may be old, conditioned patterns of thought that no longer serve you. Now every time these begin to play out, you can catch yourself, then choose how you truly want to react, respond and behave.

Noticing these thought patterns won’t necessarily stop them from happening or make them disappear overnight, however, they will begin to have less impact on your life.

Choosing behaviour aligned with your values whilst letting conditioned thought patterns play out in the background

Being aware of conditioned thought and behaviour patterns is the first step to creating the life you truly want to live. However being aware of these patterns will not necessarily stop them from coming up and trying to take control.

It’s taken weeks, months and years for these patterns to imprint themselves in your life and they are not going to disappear just like that.

Make room for them to be there but choose actions based on what is truly important, deep in your heart. Your unhelpful conditioned thoughts will begin to dissipate and fade away in their own time.

So begin the journey!

Sydney Life Coach, Jakob Casella is running a series of ‘learn to meditate’ workshops at the Plant Room, Manly, NSW.

These workshops will teach you the basics of mindfulness meditation and other psychological tools which will enrich your life and support you to deal with unhelpful thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Click HERE to find out more




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