Limiting Subconscious Beliefs to Wealth

A low score in this area highlights the potential of limiting subconscious programming that may be affecting your ability to create, maintain and grow your wealth and financial prosperity. Having a low score in the area of Wealth often highlights a self-sabotage, lack mindset which can be conscious or unconscious which influences and affects your associated thoughts, feelings and behaviours.

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This may manifest as challenges or difficulties with:

  • Money worries
  • Feeling unfulfilled in your career
  • Feeling like it’s too hard, too late or too big of a risk to follow your dreams
  • Never feeling like you have enough
  • Paying off debt
  • Needing to excessively control your finances
  • Getting ahead financially
  • Emotional turmoil when paying for things
  • Creating financial independence

Some of the major feelings and mental states associated with limiting programming in the area of Wealth include:

  • Hopelessness
  • Worry
  • Anxiety
  • Fear
  • Jealousy and envy
  • Never feeling good enough
  • Frustration
  • A lack mindset

How is the subconscious programmed in a negative, limiting way?

The subconscious mind is programmed when we are young and is then built on by what we experience as we go throughout our lives. When we are young we literally imprint everything we experience into one of two categories. Experiences that help us to grow or experiences that help keep us safe. Every experience is either one or the other, we do not have the ability for reasoning and logic as this time of our development.

This process has evolutionary origins. Those who were able to imprint what experiences helped them to stay safe into the subconscious where the ones who survived. If you are here right now reading this, it’s likely that I’m talking about your ancestors. To make matters even more challenging, as young children we believe we are the centre of the universe and everything revolves around us. Again this is due to our cognitive developmental stage.

When we you are young everything you see, hear and experience is imprinted directly into the subconscious and becomes your default programming. If you or your parents experienced relationship issues, lack of love, divorce, domestic violence, anger, challenging times, loss, grief, heightened levels of anxiety, mental health issues, persistent worry or unhealthy attachment issues it’s likely that you formed some subconscious structures that are still effecting you today.

So how can you help me change my limiting subconscious structures?

In the past thirty or so years the emergence of a new field of psychology has appeared known as Energy Psychology. These approaches work directly on the subconscious level at the root of the problem.

Jakob is trained in PSYCH-K which combines energy psychology, kinesiology and neuroscience with years of brain dominance theory to create an transformational approach to reprogram the subconscious structures that have been holding you back.

This approach is potentially the most powerful, effective and permanent way to change the internal mechanism that is stoping, blocking and sabotaging you from the life you deeply desire.

Jakob has worked with many people to positively reprogram their limiting beliefs in the area of Health leading them to increase their self-worth and ability to form new subconscious structures that positively affect their health and associated behaviours.

“Your subconscious beliefs establish the limits of what you can achieve. Learn to rewrite the software of your subconscious mind and change your life”– Dr. Bruce Lipton

Dr Lipton is the pioneers of the new science of epigenetics and is the best selling author of The Biology of Belief & The Honeymoon Effect. Dr Bruce Lipton works closely with the creator or PSYCH-K Rob Williams and claims that this approach is a powerful and effective way to change limiting subconscious structures in minutes

What are some examples of new subconscious beliefs that we could reprogram using PSYCH-K?

I trust myself to manage money honestly and sensibly

I am calm and confident when I have money, and when my bank account is empty

I can be rich in money and rich in time

I can be rich in money and rich in love

It’s ok for me to have more money than I need

My worth as a person and my financial worth are separate and unrelated measures

There is enough money to go around

I am ok with letting my money go

I am ok with being rich and having more money than others

Money is a wonderful tool and I love it

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Is it possible that…

Your limiting subconscious beliefs are holding you back?
 Your low self-worth is whats keeping you playing small ?

I have limited space for committed souls to join me. You will need to complete an application form and attend a discovery session before being accepted.

Schedule some time below and let’s begin the conversation.