How to Harness the Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Unlock the potential within you by understanding the intricate relationship between your conscious willpower and the subconscious mind. The harmony between these two aspects of your psyche paves the way for the manifestation of the life you deeply desire. Conversely, habitual patterns ingrained in the subconscious, often developed during the imprinting phase in the first 10 years of life, can thwart your best efforts, leading to a cycle of self-sabotage.
It is crucial to achieve complete harmony between your conscious and subconscious mind to harness their full power and ensure that your entire physical machine functions in complete harmony most of the time.
But why does the subconscious hold onto redundant programs that block us from our desires? Delve into the blog as we explore the origins of these patterns and how they once served to meet our needs as children.

How is the Subconscious Mind Programmed?
By aligning your subconscious mind with your conscious willpower, the life you deeply desire becomes possible. On the other hand, when your subconscious plays out habitual patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving that are in direct opposition to what you deeply desire, you will sabotage your best efforts time and time again.
So, why do we have redundant subconscious programs?
Well, the pattern that now sabotages us once helped us meet our needs as children. For example, at school we were taught to keep quiet, even when we knew the answer to a question; we learnt that speaking up and shining brightly caused us to be bullied and humiliated. As a result, a subconscious program was formed that allowed us to stay safe and avoid further struggles.
The first 10 years are known as the imprinting phase. At this time, the subconscious downloads vast amounts of information about our surroundings and forms the basic mental structures that will influence the way we think, feel and behave long into adulthood.
The subconscious is most interested in creating programs that keep us safe and away from perceived threats, danger, or harm. The problem lies in the fact that in our modern times of continually changing complexity, what we perceive to be unsafe may not be life-threatening.
The role of the subconscious is to preserve human life, after all!
How Does The Subconscious ‘Learn’?
The number one way the subconscious learns is by watching, listening and experiencing the behaviour exhibited by the people around us. We are most susceptible to conditioning from our parents, older siblings and other family members.
Those in a position of power like school teachers, sports coaches and other adults also provide rich learnings of how to think, feel, and behave as human beings.
This is all happening at a time when the brain is still forming. The logical and emotional parts of the brain, the right and left hemispheres, are still not ready to work together at full capacity. This leaves room for misinterpretations of the intent behind our parent’s and caregivers’ behaviours, leading to the imprinting of programs that perpetuate patterns that later sabotage our best efforts.
These programs are stored in the subconscious mind, specifically in the cortex, and can greatly influence our social behavior as unconsciously guided by the current context.

What Does Subconscious Sabotage Look Like?
Subconscious sabotage can manifest in a variety of ways. It often shows up as self-sabotaging behaviors or thought patterns that hinder our progress and success. These patterns can be subtle or overt, but their impact on our lives is significant.
Our subconscious programming may lead us to constantly question our abilities and worth, preventing us from taking risks or pursuing our goals with confidence. This internal dialogue of self-doubt can undermine our achievements and keep us trapped in a cycle of fear and indecision.
Limiting Beliefs
These are deeply ingrained beliefs that we hold about ourselves and the world around us. They act as invisible barriers, preventing us from fully realizing our potential and reaching our goals. These limiting beliefs can manifest as thoughts like “I’m not smart enough,” “I don’t deserve success,” or “I’ll never be able to achieve my dreams.” These thoughts become a constant narrative in our minds, shaping our actions and keeping us stuck in a state of self-imposed limitations.
Subconscious sabotage can also appear as self-sabotaging behaviors. These are behaviors that undermine our progress and prevent us from achieving our desired outcomes. These behaviors may include procrastination, self-sabotaging relationships, addictive tendencies, or even self-sabotaging habits such as excessive worry or negative self-talk.
Often, we are not consciously aware of these self-sabotaging behaviors. They operate on a subconscious level, driven by deeply ingrained patterns and beliefs that we may have acquired in childhood. These patterns can be so deeply rooted that they feel like second nature to us, making it difficult to break free from their grip, especially in the case of an abusive relationship. However, self-sabotage can also occur in seemingly healthy romantic relationships, and it’s important to recognize the signs and address them in order to maintain a healthy and fulfilling partnership.
The insidious nature of subconscious sabotage lies in its ability to go unnoticed. It lurks beneath the surface of our awareness, quietly influencing our thoughts and actions without us even realizing it. We may find ourselves stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and indecision, wondering why we can’t seem to make progress towards our goals. This is because our logical conscious mind is in conflict with our subconscious mind, also known as the anti-self or critical inner voice. Understanding and harnessing the power of our subconscious mind is crucial in overcoming self-sabotage and achieving our goals.
Procrastination is one of the most common forms of self-sabotage that stems from our subconscious mind. It’s the art of delaying or avoiding tasks that require effort or discomfort. We often find ourselves making excuses, finding distractions, and prioritizing less important activities over the ones that truly matter.
At first glance, procrastination might seem like a harmless habit. However, it can have serious consequences on our productivity and overall well-being. When we continuously put off important tasks, we feel guilty, stressed, and overwhelmed. Our goals remain unfulfilled, and we become trapped in a cycle of unproductivity and frustration.
The root cause of procrastination lies deep within our subconscious mind. It often stems from a fear of failure or perfectionism, which leads us to avoid taking action altogether. Our subconscious mind tries to protect us from discomfort or potential disappointment by convincing us that it’s better to delay or avoid the task at hand.

Understanding the Power of the Subconscious Mind
It is important to recognize that the subconscious mind is not inherently negative or sabotaging. In fact, it plays a vital role in our overall well-being. It stores memories, beliefs, and past experiences that shape our perception of the world. Without the subconscious mind, we would not be able to navigate through life efficiently.
However, when our subconscious mind is filled with self-doubt and indecision, it can hinder our progress. It becomes a barrier that prevents us from taking action and reaching our goals. The subconscious mind is like a powerful force that influences our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors without us even realizing it.
The Importance of Understanding Your Subconscious Programming
By understanding the role of the subconscious mind, we can make the first step towards overcoming this sabotage. By becoming aware of the limiting beliefs that hold us back, we can start to challenge them and replace them with more empowering thoughts. We can begin to question the validity of statements like “I’m not smart enough” or “I don’t deserve success” and replace them with affirmations like “I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to” or “I am worthy of abundance and happiness.” This conscious effort to reprogram our subconscious mind into new ways of thinking is crucial in breaking free from self-imposed limitations.
Unleashing the Potential of Your Subconscious
Once we understand the power of the subconscious mind and the role it plays in our lives, we can begin to tap into its immense potential. By harnessing the capabilities of this hidden force, we can unlock creativity, enhance intuition, and manifest our deepest desires.

One technique to connect with the subconscious mind is through meditation. By quieting our conscious thoughts and entering a state of deep relaxation, we can access the vast reservoir of wisdom within us. During these moments of stillness, insights and solutions to our problems may effortlessly arise, as if from the depths of our subconscious. It is in these moments where our true potential reveals itself, and we can truly understand the power of hypnosis and other modalities targeting the subconscious.
Another powerful tool to unleash the potential of our subconscious mind is visualization. By vividly imagining ourselves achieving our goals, we are effectively communicating with our subconscious. Our mind cannot differentiate between what is real and what is imagined, so by repeatedly visualizing success, we are programming our unconscious mind to believe in it. This belief then translates into actions that align with our desired outcomes.
Positive affirmations also play a significant role in reprogramming the subconscious mind. By consciously incorporating positive statements into our daily thoughts and language, we can shift our subconscious programming towards more empowering beliefs. Affirmations such as “I am capable of achieving my dreams” or “I am worthy of success” can be the best way to rewire the neural pathways in our brain, reinforcing a mindset of abundance and possibility in a heartbeat.
Furthermore, the subconscious mind is highly receptive to repetition. By consistently exposing ourselves to positive influences, whether through reading uplifting books, listening to motivational speeches, or surrounding ourselves with supportive individuals, we can create a powerful environment for subconscious growth and transformation.
Your Subconscious is like a Garden
It is important to note that unleashing the potential of our subconscious mind requires patience and consistency. Our subconscious mind is like a garden, with the potential to grow beautiful flowers or weeds depending on what we plant. It is a powerful force that can either work for us or against us. It has the ability to shape our thoughts, beliefs, and actions, ultimately influencing the outcomes we experience in life. Therefore, it is crucial that we learn to harness this power and guide it towards our desired outcomes through positive conscious influence of our subconscious thoughts.
As we continue to nurture our subconscious mind, we may notice subtle shifts in our thoughts, behaviors, and overall outlook on life. These changes are signs of progress and indicate that our subconscious is aligning with our conscious desires. It is during these moments that we must trust in the process and have faith in the power of our subconscious mind.