July, 2019 – Jakob’s review of PSYCH-K ® Basic course in Sydney with Ian Spicer – Life Force Events.
The three day PSYCH-K basic course began on a Saturday in a hotel conference room in the inner city of Sydney. Ian Spicer greeted every participant individually as they entered the room. There was an energy of excitement as participants helped themselves to tea and coffee, introduced themselves to one another and looked at a range of quotes that had been scribed on butchers paper and put around the room.
Some memorable ones included:
‘Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation’ – Lao Tzu
‘Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny’ – Mahatma Ghandi
I sat the there, staring at these quotes wondering what exactly I was in for? I had done my research on PSYCH-K® and had read about how effective and quickly you could use it to transform unhelpful beliefs, traumas and stressors but nowhere on the internet could I find exactly what it involved.
Ian ensured that excitement levels stayed high. He was genuinely excited to share these techniques and help us all to learn how we could make big changes to our lives and that of others. He explained the PSYCH-K® facilitator principles for which we all agreed to follow and ensured we understood PSYCH-K® is a ‘do with’ process which honours the power and responsibility of the individual in making the changes in their lives.
Ian thoroughly explained the underlying philosophy, the role of the subconscious mind and the true power that our beliefs play in manifesting all that comes into our lives. We learnt about the role of the left and right hemispheres of the brain and how to use a simple body posture to achieve a whole brain integrated state. We then moved straight in to practicing muscle testing, the tool PSYCH-K® facilitators use with the client to communicate with the subconscious mind. We practiced with other participants and Ian shared that this skill can take some time to master and shared of his challenges in mastering muscle testing when he was doing his basic course many years ago.
This story instilled hope in me, I was finding it challenging to learn this new skill and thoughts of ‘this is hard’ ‘maybe i’m not good at this’ we’re already effecting me.
We moved on to learn our first PSYCH-K® balance technique and I balanced the goal ‘It’s easy and fun for me to learn new things’. This was a powerful one for me. My old self used to find learning new things challenging, I saw the link between this goal statement and a number of memories of myself as a young student. We spent the next while practicing as facilitator and client and we all balanced this new goal. Things changed instantly for me, the voice of finding it a bit hard got quiet and my confidence and optimism grew. After a little more practice that afternoon I actually felt very confident with my ability to practice muscle testing on myself and others.
Day two was another full day of learning. We learnt another balance technique for goal statements and how to balance traumatic or painful memories and future events that we perceive as stressful. We practiced with one another gaining confidence and balancing a range of helpful goal statements. At the end of the day Ian let us know that he was going to come in early the following day to support us to in how to use PSYCH-K® with ourselves.
On day three, I got up extra early and travelled out to take advantage of the extra learning available. To my surprise nearly every other participant took Ian up on his offer of extra learning. After two full weekend days of learning there was still a buzz of excitement in the room as participants and soon to be PSYCH-K® facilitators practiced on themselves and others and picked Ian’s brain to ensure they understood and embodied the learnings. Ian spend the last bit of the session telling us about the PSYCH-K® advanced integration workshop and all the extra learnings and techniques it involved. Many of the participants shared contact information with one another and promised to keep in touch.
It was an amazing three days of learning and practice. I left feeling confident to practice on myself and others. Ian is an amazing PSYCH-K® certified instructor. Not only does he really know and embody the wisdom of PSYCH-K® but he ensures that every participant leaves feeling like they got a huge amount of value.
To find out when Ian Spicer is offering the basic level workshop near you check out his website by clicking HERE.
Since completing the Basic workshop, I use PSYCH-K® as a powerful tool in my coaching practice. I have used it to support a number of clients in making changes in their lives and working towards their goals with a huge amount of success.
I have signed up for the four day, advanced integration workshop and the divine integration retreat this year with Ian and am looking forward to adding even more power to my PSYCH-K practice.
December, 2019 – Jakob’s review of PSYCH-K® Advanced integration training course in Melbourne with Ian Spicer – Life Force Events.
I arrived into Melbourne the night before the first day of training to ensure I was settled and well rested before what I knew would be a massive four days of new learnings and huge personal and spiritual growth.
On my one hour commute, I reflected on how profound PSYCH-K® had been in the past six months of my life. I had moved through some huge subconscious blocks, left a job that was no longer serving me well and began running my small coaching business full time. The basic workshops learnings where absolutely profound for me both personally and professionally where I was already getting some amazing outcomes with clients. I couldn’t even imagine what the Advanced could have in store.
We began the first day with the a very quick recap of the learnings from the basic, it was expected that all participants were confident with the approaches including and muscle testing themselves and others. We learned the ‘rapport balance’ which was very powerful for me. It involved becoming whole brained with all types of interpersonal communicators. I felt the effects of this balance right away. After the break we learnt about the the belief points on the body and how use energy focusing to reprogram the subconscious.
The following day we learnt the sacred ritual of surrogation which is used in PSYCH-K® and a range of others approaches to helping and healing to work with someone who is not physically there in the room. This is used to facilitate online, telephone and sessions at a distance. We learnt the core belief balance, which is done lying down on a treatment bed and involved balancing 13 new, powerful goal statements in one process. I left the second day feeling a state of peace that I had never felt before. I sat down on bench and enjoyed the last thirty minutes of the setting sun experiencing this beautiful feeling of inner peace with a strong knowing that something big had shifted inside of me.
On the third day we learnt and practiced the relationship balance. This is used to transform stress and invoke whole brain integration in interpersonal relationships both platonic and romantic. This can also be used with people that have passed away, animals and our relationships to work, money and much more. Ian asked that we all undertake a relationship balance with ourselves in the mirror that evening both with our personality and with our body. This was very powerful and special for me.
On the final day Ian recapped all the learnings, answered our many questions and taught us our final balance- The life bonding balance. This was the most moving and healing balance I had ever undertaken and when facilitating this balance it felt like a an absolute privilege to be supporting another in this way.
The life bonding balance involves becoming whole brained and transforming the stress associated with all painful, challenging, traumatic experiences an individual has face throughout their life. It then moves on to transformation of the stress and anxiety associated with death and dying. This balance left me crying and laughing and feeling so connected and in love with my life. It was such an amazing way to finish the advanced workshop. I left feeling like a total upgrade had occurred on so many levels. I felt more confident than ever of the power of PSYCH-K® in transforming peoples lives.
Thanks again to Ian Spicer, from Life Force Events for be an amazing, inspiring and supportive instructor.
To find out when Ian is offering workshops near you check out his website by clicking HERE.
To see the listings of all PSYCH-K® workshops worldwide click HERE.